Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Response to Partnership for 21st Century Skills

This site is incredible. It is one of the first sites I have found that actually gives specific examples through text, blogs, and video clips of how to implement the 21st century skills in which my students will need to be proficient. Most of these skills are not currently assessed on the standardized tests for my state or county. To me that means that my leadership has not embraced the value of these skills being taught as part of the required curriculum.
One of the pieces of information that surprised me is the suggestion of portfolios to show future employers. I recently heard from a news program that a community job fair stressed to those looking for employment to focus their resumes on what they can do for the companies by which they want to become employed. Until now portfolios have brought to mind writing samples which hopefully show progression of writing abilities throughout a school year. I was impressed that the use of P21 content was made available to educators!
One of the things that concerns me is the money $$$ it will take to bring a 21st century Learning Environment even to affluent districts much less disadvantaged districts. Also, is all learning hands on or most? What basics like reading, writing, math skills, if any, are taught through traditional methods?
The implication for me and my students is that there will have to be a big change in the approach to content mastery. From the research, level of acceptable proficiency, to the assessment of these 21st century skills, a radical shift in learning responsibility will have to be embraced by my district first, then me, then the students.
This web site is invaluable to educators looking for practical ways to change teaching techniques to include technology and bolster much needed skills for our students.
It will definitely be a 'go to' site for me!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Using a blog in my classroom

Chapter two of Richardson's book lists several ways to use weblogs in the classroom on pages 38 and 39. I would start small as he suggests in chapter 5 and create a place to post homework assignments and relevant class links. I was encouraged to find out that there is a "Blogger for Word" tool so I can check for spelling and grammar as I am a Language Arts teacher at the high school level. This would also be a way for me to add links or pictures relating to our literature. I really like the idea of adding video clips as A & E provides excellent documentaries on time periods we cover in my Sophomore World Literature classes. I also liked the idea of posting a question each day for them to think about and respond to as I feel more comfortable with the class blog concept. I was encouraged to find out that there is a "Blogger for Word" tool so I can check for spelling and grammar as I am a Language Arts teacher at the high school level. Having students respond to the literature we are reading would be a helpful assessment tool as not all students feel comfortable volunteering answers or speaking out in class as well as there is usually not time to hear from every student in a 52 minute class period. Requiring individual responses forces the student to analyze and synthesize their own opinions and responses to class content.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

First Blog

Wow! I did not know it was so easy to create a blog. The most difficult part was typing in the wavy nonsense word for security! I am curious as to how much response I will receive on postings. I am hoping for great conversations about implementing technology because I am still learning the terminology (RSS, Aggregators, etc.).